THE Shirehall at Worcester is now part of a central courts complex in the city where Crown Courts sit every day.

But it wasn't always like that and in the era when the building was the headquarters of Worcestershire County Council, before it relocated to County Hall in Spetchley Road, court use was much less. County Magistrates courts were held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but the higher courts, Assizes and County Quarter Sessions, only sat a few times a year.

It was a big occasion when an Assize Judge turned up and moved into the Judge's Lodgings, the accommodation specially provided for visiting judges at the rear of the building behind the courtrooms.

The Lodgings had been furnished by Worcestershire County Council and when it vacated the Shirehall in 1979, it offered the furniture to the incoming Department of the Environment, which was taking over responsibility for the building. However, the offer was declined and the furniture went up for auction.

These photographs taken in 1976 show some of the items that would have been in the sale, notably the "his" and "hers" single beds, no doubt to ensure His Honour had a good night's sleep, the drop leaf tables and the rather large oval and rectangular coffee tables. Not sure what went in their place, because I don't recall the press being allowed in since.

Also in 1976, there was the departure of assistant hall-keeper Harold Green after 26 years service. Among his many duties, Harold had to stop unauthorised motorists using the Shirehall car park during the Assize sittings.

One day a strange car entered the privileged area, parked up and the driver got out and walked away. But Harold had spotted him and called out: "You can't park there." Came the reply: "Oh yes I can. I am the judge!"