THE May resolutions meeting was to be a social time after a discussion but, as our president was celebrating her 80th birthday later in the month, we turned it into a surprise party.

She started the evening by welcoming members on such a wet miserable evening and the minutes of the last meeting were read and signed.

An invitation had been received from Littleworth WI to their June meeting. There are forthcoming outings to Ironbridge and Kew Gardens.

A reminder was given of the new speakers' evening in June. We then discussed this year's resolution on the closure of community hospitals. It was unanimously agreed that it is essential and important that local hospitals remain.

We then discussed a local resolution regarding the unfairness of funding care for the elderly. This provoked quite a healthy debate and we decided to discuss it further at a later date. Members were asked their opinions on speakers for our next year's programme and a suggestion for an August meeting was a visit to gardens at Hanley Swan when husbands would also be invited.

There were sandwiches, chocolate eclairs, sausage rolls, iced biscuits and a large birthday cake for refreshments all served with party serviettes and Rosemay, our president was presented with a plant. Another member, Janet Simmons, was celebrating her birthday actually on the day so was given a small plant and we sang Happy Birthday to both of them.

Our competition for the most number of words made from the word resolutions' was won by Leigh Surtees with more than 200, closely followed by Veronica Cooper who also found over 200 words.

The raffle was drawn and the meeting ended about 9.30pm. The next meeting is on Tuesday, June 19, at 7.30pm at Whittington Village Hall and our speaker is Mrs Waldron on bead jewellery. Visitors and new members are always made most welcome.