VICE-president Hazel Barnes took the chair at the May meeting of the Inner Wheel Club of Droitwich Spa held at the Raven Hotel.

After supper, Pam Plumridge introduced the speaker for the evening, Evelyn Birt from Little Witley.

Evelyn had taken up beekeeping after moving to the village, and gave us a fascinating insight into the world of the apiary. She constructed a hive in front of the meeting (minus the bees!) for members to understand the workings of a colony, and provided amazing facts and figures relating to bees, and their importance in the food chain. The crucial role they play in fertilising plants so keeping human beings fed and alive gave us all a new insight into these precious creatures.

A vote of thanks was given by Gill Walters on behalf of the members, who had many questions for the speaker. Vice-president Hazel reminded everyone of the next meeting on June 18 and the summer lunch to be held on Sunday, June 24. GILL WALTERS