Pauline welcomed everyone to the May meeting, which included one visitor.

May is the month in which resolutions are discussed and this year's resolution urges the government to stop the closure of community hospitals which provides essential services for local people.

Discussion took place regarding this and everyone voted in favour.

The bursary for the year was drawn and the lucky person was Cicely Barnes. Ann Devereux told us final arrangements for our outing in August and we shall be leaving the parish hall at 12pm. Ann Crowther gave notice of a coffee morning with a bring-and-buy on June 22 and hoped members would be able to attend.

The surprise speaker was Pat Davis, one of our own members, who told us how she came to meet the Queen.

Pat is a physiotherapist and helped to form Headway in Dumfries, Scotland, where she used to live. She told us of the hard work of fund-raising until they had enough money to buy an old property in which to treat people with head injuries which can be from traffic accidents, building sites or indeed anyone with viral infections.

After completion she thought they should have a high profile person to open the building and, who better than Princess Anne. Pat took her courage in both hands and wrote to her and she was delighted to open the building. Following on from this and, after many years of hard work, Pat was awarded the MBE for her services and was invited to meet the Queen.

She gave us a full insight into the procedure of the investiture. Pat showed us her photo albums of the occasion, which must be a lovely souvenir.

Pauline, with Ann Crowther, second and Pat Sharratt, third, won the competition for a suggested resolution. Tea and cakes were served by Deanna and helpers.

We meet on the third Wednesday of each month (except August) and anyone wishing to join us will be most welcome. HILDA HUGHES