VANDALS have destroyed a sign advertising an international musician's concert at a Worcester church.

The wooden sign at St John-in-Bedwardine Church in St John's advertising the forthcoming Carlo Curley concert has been completely torn apart. Church-goers discovered the damage on Sunday morning.

Concert organiser Graham Evans said: "I find it so sad that vandals should destroy this sign, which was advertising an attractive local event. Carlo Curley is a major international musician, and this is a great opportunity for St Johns' people to see this exciting performer, as well as to raise much-needed funds for our church.

"Despite the destruction of the sign, we still hope that people will come along to enjoy this organ spectacular. The concert is at the church on Friday at 7.30pm.

"Tickets are £12 and we do have some space available for people who have not bought tickets in advance."

Anyone with any information about the criminal is asked to contact police on 08457 444888 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.