VANDALS have struck at Droitwich's £1.5 million lido just weeks before it is due to be opened.

At least two attacks have happened over the past two weeks, causing damage and additional costs to the project, which has been six years in the making.

Police have confirmed that paint has been thrown at the walls, glass has been smashed and a fence has been damaged.

Droitwich police sergeant Mark Smith said police were also concerned about young people entering the sealed-off site and swimming.

He said: "This seems to be happening after people have been drinking alcohol. Swimming and drinking do not go together and we urge them to stop. We do not want to be called to the lido in tragic circumstances."

Peter Head, Wychavon District Council's project manager for the lido, said they were not yet sure how much the damage had cost.

But he said: "Everyone involved in the scheme to re-open the Droitwich Lido are very disappointed that the actions of a few individuals has caused additional repair costs and delayed the completion of the work.

"So many people are looking forward to using the lido this summer and it will be a real shame if any further acts of vandalism prevent them from enjoying the new facilities."

He also confirmed the council had installed extra CCTV cameras and was liaising closely with local people to try to limit any future problems.

Linda Watskins, chairwoman of the Save A Lido Today (SALT) group, said it only took a few people to spoil something they had all been pushing for.

District councillor Graham Gopsill said he was disgusted to hear of the vandalism, especially after so much time and effort had been invested in the scheme.

He said: "It is all right having cameras put up, but we need someone living there. Anyone who vandalises that place is disgusting and beyond belief."

Sgt Smith said police would increase patrols and would use CCTV to identify and prosecute offenders.

He said: "It's a shame this fantastic facility, which is being brought back for the benefit of all, is already being targeted by a few mindless people who have a blatant disregard for their surroundings."

Anyone with information about the incidents call police on 08457 444888 quoting 412S/160507 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.

A date has not yet been fixed for the opening of the lido, which will include an outside salt water pool, two wet play areas and a cafe.