WORCESTER College of Tech-nology is hosting a public showing of Al Gore's film The Inconvenient Truth as part of its plans for tomorrow's World Environment Day.

Admission to the critically acclaimed movie, which focuses on global warming will be free. It starts at 6pm and will be shown in the lecture theatre of the All Saints building.

Mr Gore was the defeated Democratic nominee for US presidential candidate in 2000.

He made the award-winning documentary about the environment in 2006.

The college is organising a number of events for World Environment Day and through-out the remainder of this week. These include Worcestershire County Council's earth balloon visiting the School of Art and Design; talks on climate change to students and a free bicycle road safety check for staff and students by Moto V8.

Peter Robinson, a member of the college's Eco-Campus group, said: "The college has made real strides this year in taking action to reduce its carbon footprint. This has included encouraging staff to turn off office equipment at the end of their day, using energy-efficient light bulbs when old light bulbs are replaced, motion sensitive lighting and bike lockers."

The college is also organising a competition for the office, study centre or classroom that has the least amount of equipment switch-ed off at the end of the day.

Paul Badham, Eco-Campus member and college purchasing officer, said: "Our own studies have shown that we can make some substantial savings and reduce our CO2 emissions by encouraging staff to turn off their computers, screens, printers and other equuipment when they leave at the end of the day."

The college's Eco-Campus group looks at ways in which the college can maintain and improve its intentions to provide high quality education in a sustainable manner.

It has also confirmed its status as a Fairtrade college by only using recycled paper, reducing waste and it has built the awareness of the environment into a number of courses and the staff development programme.

Plans for the future include a car share scheme, a college swap shop based on web-based Freecycle, and a renewable energy supply like a solar panel or a wood chip boiler.