In Dreams Featuring Johnny Curtiss as Roy Orbison; Marc Robinson as Buddy Holly and The Fortt Brothers as The Everley Brothers'. Tickets available from Huntingdon Arts box office, Crowngate, Worcester.

JUNE 3 Dance School Community Choir Accompanied by the Nick Blunn Quartet appearing at Colwall Park Hotel, Colwall, Worcs. 8pm start. Donations. All welcome.

JUNE 7 Country Joe MacDonald Huntingdon Hall, Worcester. Tickets available from box office.

JUNE 9 Worcestershire Symphony Orchestra Concert Swan Theatre, Worcester, at 7.30pm.

JUNE 10 Grace Singers from USA Performance of Evidence of Grace at St Andrew's Methodist Church, Pump Street, Worcester. The mayor will be arriving after the Race for Life to welcome the choir at 12.45pm. All welcome.

JUNE 15 Jamie Knight Huntingdon Hall. Tickets available from box office.

JUNE 16 Worcester Philharmonic Orchestra Afternoon concert in Pershore Abbey beginning at 2.30pm. Tickets available from tourist offices in Pershore, Malvern and Worcester and on the door.

JULY 13 The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra A programme of summer classics at Malvern Theatres. Tickets available from box office.