A GIRL has escaped unharmed after two men tried to lure her into a van.

The teenager was confronted by the men, who were driving a white Ford Transit van, while she walked along Conker Alley, off Pershore Road, Hampton, near Evesham, at about 6.30pm yesterday (May 30).

The vehicle passenger got out of the van and offered the girl a lift, but she declined.

Police say he then held her arm, however, it was "only lightly" and she was able to easily shake his off his grip and run off un-hurt but extremely up-set to a friend's house near-by.

The "clean-looking", three-seater van was then driven off towards Pershore.

The men - both white - spoke to each other in a foreign language and are believed to be of Eastern European origin.

The passenger is described as being around 5ft 10ins tall, of large, muscular build with short, un-spiked brown hair and a normal complexion. He was wearing a plain blue jumper, pale blue jeans and white Adidas trainers with black stripes.

The driver, who had chubby cheeks, was wearing a black cap with what is believed to be a cannabis plant logo, a dark blue hooded top and black trousers.

Anyone who recognises either description - or saw the incident - is urged to contact police as soon as possible on 08457 444888, quoting 596S/300507.

Information can also be given - anonymously - to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.