WORCESTER MP Mike Foster has called for a "fairer" funding deal for schools in the Faithful City.

He wants a new system introduced which gives schools financial rewards for tackling under-achievement, as a top-up to the basic per pupil entitlement.

The MP also wants the area cost adjustment scrapped, calling it "intellectually and morally flawed".

The Government is currently consulting on how schools should be funded between 2008 and 2011.

Mr Foster said: "I will reinstate my pledge and parents and pupils in Worcester. I will argue for and vote for more cash for education in Parliament when the opportunity arises to do so.

"I have reflected the views of local schools in my submission to the nationwide consultation on school funding. They want to see any funding gap between them and neighbouring authorities reduced, and I support this. Now is not the time to take our eyes off the ball. We should be campaigning for change so that schools in Worcester get the best funding package that is available."

He said the scrapping of the area cost adjustment - which gives certain areas more education funding to cover higher costs - has been a "long term ambition" of his.