A WORCESTER homeless centre is making an urgent appeal for help to re-stock its cupboards.

The Maggs Day Centre in Deansway is launching its summer appeal for food, clothing and household equipment to help it support the city's homeless.

But the charity is facing a shortfall of £25,000 for the year ahead - due to several of its long-term funders' commitments coming to an end.

Centre manager Mair Edmunds said: "The summer is usually a fairly lean time for us as most of our public support naturally comes in the winter months when people are more likely to think of those who are forced to live on the streets.

"With a budget of only £100 a week for food, we rely enormously on donations of tinned and non-perishable goods. We usually receive a great deal at harvest time from local schools and churches but unfortunately that's still four months away and the cupboards are pretty bare at the moment."

Miss Edmunds said some of the charity's regular supporters took advantage of buy-one-get-one-free offers at supermarkets and then donated the second items to them.

"We are appealing to the public to bring us what they can spare in the way of baked beans, tinned vegetables, soup, corned beef and Spam, tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits, pasta and rice," she said.

The charity's clothing project offers donated clothing to anyone in need across the city. Maggs also provides starter packs of household equipment to resettlement people who are going into their own new tenancies.

Donations of good quality clothing, men's trousers, underwear and socks, shoes, sheets, towels and blankets, duvets, curtains, sleeping bags and kitchen equipment are all needed.

Miss Edmunds said: "People often think of the homeless during the winter when the weather is bad.

"Unfortunately, poverty and distress exist in summer too and we work to relieve them throughout the year.

"Our dedicated staff and volunteers work wonders to provide good meals within our very limited budget but we do rely heavily on donated food to make it go far enough.

"We are always really grateful to the people of Worcestershire who choose to support us with food, clothing or money. Please bring us what you can spare."

Donations of food, clothing and money can be dropped off at Maggs Day Centre, St Albans, Deansway, between 7.30am and 2pm every day except Friday.

If you would like to volunteer or fund-raise for the charity contact 01905 25027.