A TEENAGE girl had her arm grabbed by a driver in Malvern who tried to entice her into his car.

The man remained in his vehicle, a small, white four-door car, and released the girl's arm after only two or three seconds, when she said she was calling the police.

A police spokesman said: "He had driven alongside her for a short distance before driving off, enabling her to make her way home unharmed, but very upset."

The incident occurred near the Texaco garage in Worcester Road between 11.10pm and 11.50pm on Tuesday, May 29.

The man, who is said to be of Asian origin with a large spot on his face, had parked his car on the forecourt for some minutes with loud music coming from it. As soon as the victim passed by, the music stopped and he followed her in the vehicle before drawing alongside and grabbing her arm.

"It is highly likely that anyone walking or driving by would have heard the extremely loud music, seen the man sitting in the car or noticed his highly unusual subsequent behaviour in attempting to get the girl into it as he drove alongside her," the spokesman added.

"Although to some it could have looked as though a couple were arguing and the driver was trying to persuade his female partner to get back into his vehicle, this was definitely not the case."

Officers can be reached on 08457 444 888, quoting 10/S/300507. Information can also be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.