LEVANTER (from Levant: land at eastern end of Mediterranean) Moist East wind in region of Straits of Gibraltar, often strong and most frequent June-October.

MISTRAL (Latin Magistral: master wind) Dry cold NW or N wind blowing off-shore along the Mediterranean coasts of France and Spain. Particularly violent on the coast of Languedoc and Provence when it funnels down the Rhone Valley.MONSOON (Arabic mausim: time, season) Any markedly seasonal wind, particularly in east and south Asia.PAMPERO (Spanish pampa: great plain, prairie) Piercing cold SW wind which blows from the Andes across the S. American pampas in Argentina and across Uruguay to the Atlantic.PURGA Strong NE winter wind in Russia and Central Asia, often raising snow from the ground to cause blizzards.ROARING FORTIES Region between latitudes 40 degrees and 50 degrees S where strong W winds, known as " Brave West Winds", blow steadily. So named by sailors who first entered these latitudes.SCIROCCO or sirocco (Arabic suruk: rising of the sun) An a oppressive hot dry S wind on the north coast of Africa blowing from Sahara. By the time this wind crosses the Mediterranean to Europe it has become slightly cooler but very moist. It produces languor and mental debility. SEISTAN Strong N wind in summer in the Seistan region of eastern Iran and Afghanistan. It can attain velocities of over 100 mph (160 km/h) and carries dust and sand.SHAMAL Hot dry and dusty NW wind, persistent in summer in Iraq and the Persian Gulf.SOUTHERLY BUSTER Sudden cold S wind in south eastern Australia, usually strong and succeeding wind from some northerly point. Temperature can fall (20c) degrees or more in a very short time with the arrival of this wind.TRADES Steady winds blowing between latitudes 10 degrees and 30 degrees, from the NE in the northern hemisphere, from the SE in the southern hemisphere. Of importance to sailing ships, hence called "winds that blow trade" by navigators in the 18th century. Trade winds change in direction according to the seasonal shift in the high pressure belts.TRAMONTANA ( Latin Trans: across; montem: Mountain; Ital. Tramontano: between the mountains)....cool dry N wind blowing across the Spanish Mediterranean coast.WILLIWAW Strong downslope wind in Alaska.Next Week.....HailThe answer to last week's question...... B/ Dry Warm windThis week's question......Where is the PURGA wind to be found....A/ Mediterranean.B/ Russia/Central Asia.Glossary of Common Weather Terms:

May come from radiation cooling of the ground, or move in on the back of a wind (advection fog), or form when warm air runs over cold ground (as during a rapid thaw).Weather for period Monday 28th May-Friday 1st JuneLow pressure influencing our weather during this period. Chilly to start, warmer later.Rain or showers can be expected at frequent intervals, some on the heavy side giving well over 12 mm. A few short lived drier brighter intervals between. Risk of ground frost on Tuesday Night especially in rural spots.Maximum day temperature 10-13c 50-55f then 17-19c 63-66f later.Minimum night temperature 1-10c 34-50f. (this is a large range for this time of year).Last Week's Observations (Monday-Friday)Highest daytime temperature........ 24.8c 77f on Wednesday 23rd May.Lowest nightime temperature........ 4.7c 41f on Monday 21st May.No rainfall logged.