THESE drivers have been caught in the act parking close to a new zebra crossing.

Steve Ashton took these photographs of people flouting the law outside St George's CE Primary School, Worcester.

He says the portfolio of pictures exposes how selfish motorists are putting youngsters at the school at risk from passing traffic.

Worcestershire County Council recently installed the crossing in St George's Lane North.

Mr Ashton said: "It is all very well the highway authority providing a zebra crossing outside St George's School if motorists obey the law.

"I have seen parents of children at St George's parking on the zig-zag lines and, unbelievably, one person actually parking across the crossing.

"A few minutes earlier there were cars parked on the zig-zag lines on either side of the crossing."

The crossing was put in place following a campaign from parents, pupils, residents and the school. Other work carried out included better road markings, an anti-skid road surface, traffic signs and improved street lighting.

Councillor Mary Drinkwater, who represents the area, said: "I'm absolutely astonished that parents are parking on the crossing and across the road markings. These were installed to protect their children and they are endangering their childrens' lives by doing this.

"I am meeting with the police this week and will be bringing this to their attention. It is just unbelievable that people are prepared to do this."

Coun Derek Prodger, the county council's cabinet member for the environment, said the crossing had been a high priority in the county council's walking strategy.

He said: "The aim of this scheme is to persuade more people to walk by giving greater priority for pedestrians to cross St George's Lane.

"The route is particularly well used by children travelling to and from school as well as the local community."