HAVE you ever come across some short snake-like creatures in your back garden and wanted to find out more about them?

Worcestershire Wildlife Trust will be running a specialist course on the nationally declining and protected slow-worm, on Saturday, June 9, from 10am to 1pm, at its Lower Smite Farm Headquarters.

Julie Clark, access to wildlife officer, says: "The trust now runs a variety of courses for its members and the public.

"Some are first steps courses offering a basic introduction to wildlife topics whilst other courses are more specialist. This June we are lucky to have Alan Shepherd to take a specialist course on the slow-worm.

"Alan's life-long passion for amphibians and reptiles means he is a great authority on the slow-worm and nationally he is the herpetofauna co-ordinator for the Wildlife Trusts."

Rarely seen, this enigmatic reptile can be found if you know where to look and Worcestershire is knwon as a hot-spot for them.

On the course, Alan will explain why the slow-worm, although snake-like in appearance, is actually a legless lizard.

Championing the species, he will give reasons why the slow-worm is the gardener's best friend and what people can do to help the species.

Those who attend the course will go away with an in-depth insight into the ecology of the slow-worm and be able to help record sightings of this protected reptile.

There are still some places left, if anyone is interested in joining Alan on the course, please call Worcestershire Wildlife Trust on 01905 754919 to pre-book a place. Specialist course fees are £15 per person.

Full details of all First Steps and Specialist courses run by Worcestershire Wildlife Trust can be found on the website www.worcswildlifetrust.co.uk.