President Shirley Miles welcomed a full house to the May meeting.

Members attention was drawn to a number of forthcoming events, including the Severn Grouy Skittles Evening at the Bluebell in Ryall in July, the talk by Dr Miriam Stoppard at Arley Kings in June and taster days at the WI's own Denman College in Oxfordshire.

Betty Hope-Stone reported that the federation's recent Lucy Hingley Lecture on urino-gynaecological problems had been very good and very well attended.

May is the time that we discuss the resolutions that will be voted on at the national meeting in June. This year there was just one, urging the Government to stop the closure of community hospitals. There was much discussion on the subject. Most members deplored the threatened loss of the local facilities provided by such hospitals, especially in rural areas. Our delegate will be instructed to vote accordingly.

There was then some preliminary discussion on what could become a future resolution from Worcestershire.

It asks for parity of funding for those requiring nursing home care. Different areas use different criteria when assessing people's needs and ability to pay, which seems unfair.

After thinking about it we shall be asked for our opinions later in the summer.

It then became apparent why several tables at the back of the hall had been set up with samples of different crafts and the equipment necessary for members to be able to have a go.

Cynthia Nicolls had brought watercolours and several lovely paintings, Betty Hope-Stone demonstrated her quilling, Coral Male had samples of her sugar flowers, Sue Strange her knitted toys and Janet Clemas various styles of calligraphy.

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed having a dabble at one or more of the crafts. There appears to be some real hidden talent among our ranks!

At the next meeting on June 12 at 7.30pm at Earl's Croome Village Hall we shall be hearing Meryl Cochrane talking about Lowry And The Northern Working Classes. Visitors will be assured of a friendly welcome. For further details please contact Sue Strange on 01684 592408 or just come along.