THE resolutions evening at Comer WI is always a noisy affair, probably due more to the customary alcoholic refreshments, rather than the debate. It was particularly noisy this year as there was only one national resolution to be discussed and one topic put forward by the county.

Viv Jackman, president, welcomed the members. There were several apologies, four birthdays to celebrate, and Sheila Garner was thanked for the table flowers.

Viv also thanked all those who had contributed to the sales table, which offered a variety of goods for purchase.

Viv had clearly been busy behind the scenes arranging several outings to be enjoyed during the forthcoming summer months. In the middle of July, there will be a trip to Blackmore Park Gardens, Hanley Swan, with light refreshments included. In early August, those wishing to be entertained at the Swan Theatre, Worcester, will see a performance of Hot Mikado. In the middle of that month, we will have a welcome return visit back to Witley Court to the baroque church, with a light supper to follow.

The monthly meeting in July is planned as an open evening when friends and family can join the group to be entertained by Robin Clifton, demonstrating his artistic talents.

The minutes were read by Jackie Taylor, secretary, and the correspondence offered a variety of events for those wishing to participate. Several members were interested in North Claines summer evening on Thursday, August 2.

The resolution calling for the Government to fully fund all those needing nursing and rest home care was discussed at length with the vote being carried with only one abstention.

Resolutions over, and the time allowed Jackie to provide one short quiz with three ladies winning small prizes.

Refreshments of wine, cheese and biscuits provided a welcome break from business matters and an opportunity for social time and the usual raffle - Thelma, Maggie and Betty being successful.

The next meeting, June 20, will be a demonstration by Christine Gledhill, her topic being jam as a craft.

New members or visitors will be made most welcome at St David's Institute, Comer Gardens at 7.30pm.