Sylvia Hudson, president, welcomed us all to the meeting together with several visitors, which is always very pleasing.

We had the usual business, an account of the Worcestershire annual council meeting by Sheila Tapping and accounts of social occasions attended by members.

The May meeting is traditionally the resolutions meeting at WI. Every year a resolution is selected by due process - only one this year - to present to the Government after it has been voted on at the annual meeting in June, which this year is at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

We discussed the motion to urge the Government to stop the closure of community hospitals. Everyone joined in sharing experiences and giving their opinions. It was carried but some of us voiced the opinion that every case is different, thinking that centres of excellence are required as well.

Kath Whitehouse presented a resolution from the Worcestershire Federation. It was another popular talking point, on parity on funding for the care of the elderly.

We think it should be free. As it stands, at the moment it varies so much between different authorities and the cost of care is so prohibitive. We all aired our views and the motion was carried.

After refreshments, social time and a raffle, some of us had brought jewellery with a story to tell which was very entertaining and the items were lovely.

The meeting ended at noon on a very happy note.

Next meeting on June 13, speaker will be Councillor Derek Prodger. For details, call 01905 454478.