A PLUM tree has been planted in memory of Pershore High School's longest serving teacher, who died last year.

Family, friends, staff and past students were present as a plaque was also unveiled at the school in memory of Walter Palfrey. The former maths and history teacher worked at the school in Station Road, Pershore, between 1945 and 1981.

The 89-year-old died on December 12 after a long illness.

Headteacher Clive Corbett said: "We were very pleased to have the opportunity to pay our respects properly and remember Walter in the school grounds.

"He was with us for 36 years, which is an extraordinary period of time that I doubt will ever be repeated."

We previously reported in January how Mr Palfrey's ashes were scattered around the flag pole at Pershore High School by his family because whenever a major event happened he raised the Union flag at the school.