COVERT tests to see how easily underage youngsters can buy alcohol, cigarettes and fireworks in Worcester have led to a fall in the number of incidents.

Trading Standards officers carried out a series of undercover operations with the help of young volunteers who visited 66 shops between April 2006 and March 2007.

They were able to buy drink in 14 shops, which accounted for 21 per cent of the total, a slight improvement on a similar test the previous year when 26 per cent of shops were prepared to sell them alcohol.

Of the 66 shops, 14 of them had been visited before and the volunteers were served in four of those - or 28 per cent - which was again a slight improvement on last year's figures.

Undercover visits were also made to 24 shops selling fireworks and 29 shops selling tobacco but no products were sold to the young people.

Worcestershire County Council's enforcement officer Tracey Blanchard said: "Although the results for alcohol are again disappointing, overall there has been a reduction in the number of sales compared with last year's results.

"Where sales took place, it was noted that the individuals who sold made no effort to challenge the age of the young person or even ask for identification. We would advise sellers to always ask for suitable identification. If there is any doubt, don't sell.

"But we are encouraged by the results in respect of fireworks and tobacco, where no sales took place."

This year was the first time camera surveillance equipment was used during the operations, with young volunteers wearing a hidden camera to record transactions.

It meant undercover officers did not have to accompany them into the shops so the exercise mirrored real situations more closely.

Most of the places targeted were premises that local people had voiced concerns about.