A YOUNG girl injured as she played on a trampoline is back at her Droitwich home recovering.

Kira Bailey spent three weeks in hospital after badly breaking her leg during an accident at a neighbour's house in April.

Initially, surgeons thought the seven-year-old, a pupil at St Peter's CofE First School in Droitwich would have to say at Worcestershire Royal Hospital for eight weeks, but they later decided to push ahead with an operation.

Her mother, Bev Sparks said: "She was getting quite stressed staying in hospital. But we are glad she is home now."

Kira, who also lives with her father Dale Bailey and her three-year-old brother Keelan in Swallow Place, Primsland, Droitwich, is having to use a wheelchair to get about and sleeps downstairs to avoid climbing the stairs.

Miss Sparks said: "She is having a tutor come and visit her but is missing school, especially seeing her friends. But at the moment we are not sure if the school can look after her when she is in her wheelchair so she will probably stay at home until the summer holidays."

Kira was playing with a small group of children in a water-filled paddling pool that was on top of the trampoline when the accident happened.

As they played, an older boy landed on Kira, which caused the break in her femur, or thigh bone - one of the worst bones to break and a common trampolining injury.

Medics decided to request the air ambulance so they could have a trauma doctor on the scene.

The television channel Discovery will also be following Kira's story as they were on the helicopter filming a documentary when they went to the call.

They will be contacting the family once Kira has recovered completely to make a film highlighting the dangers of more than one child using a trampoline at the same time.