POLICE officers have returned to the scene of a rape in Worcester's Ronkswood a week after the woman was attacked in broad daylight.

They visited the alleyway which runs between Aconbury Close and Leopard Rise to try and jog the memories of people who may have been in the area when the victim was raped at 9.15am last Friday (May 18) as she walked to work.

They hope the process - known as an anniversary check - could uncover new clues that will help catch the rapist.

Detective Inspector Graham Smith, who is heading the investigation, said: "We carried out anniversary checks close to where the incident happened earlier today and have received some useful information from members of the public who were in the area which will help us progress our enquiries.

He added: "This incident was particularly unusual in that it took place in the morning.

"There is a strong likelihood that there would have been a number of people on their way to work."

Officers want to hear from anyone who saw or heard anything suspicious in the alleyway, the roads surrounding it the area around Newtown Road to Woodgreen Drive, near to Tolladine golf course.

They have also made house to house enquiries and carried out forensic examinations including searches using police dogs.

The investigation was launched after the attack was reported on Monday, May 21 and, since then, extra patrols have been operating in the area.

Despite rapes being rare in Worcester, officers have warned women on foot to be cautious, not to walk alone and to find a different route if their normal one is remote or secluded.

The rapist is described as a white man, aged in his early 20s, between 5ft 8ins and 5ft 10ins tall and of thin build with shoulder-length, greasy brown hair. He was wearing blue jeans and a grey T-shirt.

Anyone who believes they recognise the description - or who saw anything at all suspicious in the area at around the given time - is urged to contact police on 08457 444 888, quoting 475S/210507 or, anonymously, by calling Crimestoppers 0800 555111.