A HOST of activities will take place across Worcestershire to mark National Volunteers Week.

Worcestershire Infrastructure Consortium is hoping to raise the profile of volunteering and volunteer centres in the county during the week of June 1-7.

Sally Ellison, from Worces-ter Volunteer Centre, said: "The aim of the campaign is to highlight aspects of everyday life which would be severely affected if there were no volunteers.

"Many people don't realise that hospices, emergency first aid and even amateur sports are dependent on volunteers to provide the services we all value so much."

There will be a variety of activities taking place, such as a fun recruitment day at the Guildhall, Worcester, on Friday, June 1, from 10am to 2pm. There will also be a celebration concert at the University of Worcester on Wednesday, June 6, from 7pm to 9pm.

The campaign will continue throughout the year with a programme of training and support for local organisations using volunteers.

Worcestershire Infrastruc-ture Consortium was formed in December 2003 and aims to ensure that voluntary and community organisations across Worcestershire are well supported. It consists of a number of organisations.

For more information contact the Worcester Volunteer Centre on 01905 24741 or e-mail wcvb@btconnect.com