ALMOST a third of rubbish from Worcester homes is now being recycled rather than disposed of at a landfill site.

The latest data reveals that recycling rates in the Faithful City have risen 11 per cent in 18 months.

About 30 per cent of household waste is now being recycled, compared to 19 per cent in October 2005. It means the council has beaten its target of 24 per cent.

Councillor Allah Ditta, cabinet member for cleaner and greener, said: "It goes without saying that I am obviously delighted." But he warned against complacency, saying there was still a lot of work to be done.

"There can't be any politics with something like this. We're working tow-ards bigger targets now."

Wheelie bins are now being used by 26,000 homes in Worcester and a further 13,000 will be introduced in the north of the city in October.