ELLIE Rutherford, who plays Yum Yum, the leading lady in a production of the Hot Mikado, had a surprise when confronted by a real-life Yum Yum as she walked into a Worcester shop.

Seventeen-year-old Ellie, who will play Yum Yum in Worces-ter Operatic and Dramatic Society Youth Section's (WODYS) musical at the Swan Theatre next month, went into an oriental food shop in Bank Street and was served by Yum Yum, the 27-year-old Filipino who owns the business.

Ellie, an A-level student at Worcester Sixth Form College, said: "I got chatting to the lady and discovered that she was actually called Yum Yum. I never imagined bumping into someone of that name in Worcester."

Hot Mikado tells the story of Nanki Poo, a trumpet player in a travelling swing orchestra, and his efforts to win the affections of the beautiful Yum Yum. Those efforts are hindered while he is trying to escape the hands of Ko Ko, Lord High Executioner, and the passionate pursuits of the man-eater Katisha.

The musical, a hilarious 1940s-style jazzed-up Gilbert and Sullivan classic, with its jive, gospel and rhythm and blues numbers, plays the Swan from Tuesday, July 31, to Saturday, August 4.

The real-life Yum Yum, who came over from the Philippines when she married British chiropractor Colin Crossley, told Ellie: "I shall definitely go along and see the show."

Yum Yum, whose oriental shop takes her name, came to England four years ago. The couple have two children. She said: "Yum Yum is a family name. I have always been called it. It was my husband's choice to use it for the shop name.

"It was great to meet Ellie, who is playing the part of Yum Yum. Funny thing is, I wanted to go on stage myself at one time."