MOTHER-of-three Serena Croad has been elected the new leader of Malvern Hills District Council.

Councillor Croad, aged 37, who represents the Dyson Perrins ward, led the Conservatives to an overwhelming majority in the local elections earlier this month and has been rewarded with the top job at the council.

She said: "This is a corporate body which is truly committed to providing the very best to the district and the communities we serve and increasing customer service and value. These are changing times in local government and we are progressive and motivated.

"We also have some inspirational members and officers who I know will make sure that our district becomes one of the best in the country."

The new council consists of 31 Conservatives and seven other members who have formed a Liberal Democrat/Independent/ Green Group. They will be led by Tom Wells, representing Powick ward, who is also chairman of the overview and scrutiny committee.

Conservative Ralph Mad-den, representing Priory ward, will be deputy leader of the council. Sue Gill has been elected chairman and Liberal Democrat Sheila Young, from Pickersleigh ward, is the vice-chairman.

The council's six executive committee members have also been appointed and they are Serena Croad, Ralph Madden, Paul Cum-ming, Phillip Grove, Roger Hall-Jones and David Watkins.

As portfolio holders they are responsible for different functions within the council. Coun Croad will be responsible for community leadership and engagement, Coun Madden's area is resources, Coun Cum-ming will cover shared services, Coun Hall-Jones will deal with planning policy and local development framework, Coun Grove is responsible for community safety and Coun Watkins covers regulatory services.