WORCESTER residents who belong to a St John's campaign group are going to the Guildhall today to speak out against a major regeneration project.

Members of Grove Farm Residents Voice will attend a city council planning meeting, where plans for a big business park will be discussed.

Outline plans for 27 office blocks and industrial units off Meadowbank Drive will be voted on at the meeting.

The residents group, which is opposing the plans because of concerns over congestion and pollution, staged a meeting on Monday night to discuss the situation.

Group member Reverend Robin Charles has appealed to the city council to be careful.

Although outline planning permission is set to be approved, the full details of the design, height and scale of each building will only come out at a later date.

Mr Charles said: "I appeal to those who have some control over what happens at Grove Farm to ensure that corporate power is not a cause for weakness or inevitability.

"I ask the council to be shrewd, acutely observant and resolute in upholding the best interests of both the residents and animals of this wonderful natural area of the city."

Spen Hill Developments, which is behind the scheme, initially said it could create up to 4,000 jobs. But, as reported in the Worcester News this week, it sent out letters to residents saying it may only lead to 900 jobs.

The firm has since sent an e-mail to residents saying it was an error.