OUTRAGED Worcester News readers have described the moment a gang of men stormed a city centre pub and attacked bouncers and staff.

Two doormen at Lloyds Number 1 Bar in Crown Passage needed hospital treatment after a group of about 15 men, believed to be on a stag night from Wales, attacked them with bottles and glasses after being refused entry on Saturday night.

After we reported the brawl in Monday's paper, we received a huge response on our website www. worcesternews.co.uk, with more than 80 comments from readers.

The majority were appalled doormen and staff who were subjected to an horrific attack, which left another four men needing treatment.

Jodie, Worcester, wrote: "It was a mess - blood and glass everywhere.

"There were people cowering in the corners, dodging flying objects, one of which only just missed our heads.

"I saw some horrific injuries and saw one man being knocked out cold."

Sarah, Worcester, said she was a friend of one of the injured bouncers.

"It is absolutely disgusting," she said. "The way those men were behaving, he's lucky he hasn't got brain damage, being whacked round the head with a chair."

Neil, England, wrote: "I am one of the doormen that got attacked for telling five drunk men they couldn't come into Lloyds.

"Does that give them the right to smash four pint glasses on my head, for five men to pin me up a wall and assault me, attack my colleagues and harmless bar staff, kitchen staff, and managers and smash up the pub? I don't think so."

Many readers praised the professionalism of the doormen. An anonymous reader wrote: "I even saw one doorman administering first aid to one of the thugs who had attacked him."

The pub, which was packed with about 500 customers, was closed for the rest of the evening following the incident, which happened shortly after 9pm.

Eight people, believed to be from the south Wales area, were arrested for assault and violent disorder and released on bail without charge while investigations continue.

Witnesses or anyone with information can call police on 08457 444888.