MANY momentous events in history happened during Elgar's lifetime.

By Julian Dolman

1857: The Indian Mutiny 1869: Suez Canal inaugurated1871: The Albert Hall built1875: Bizet writes Carmen1877: Queen Victoria becomes the Empress of India.1892: The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes published1896: The first modern Olympiad in Athens1904: Madame Butterfly opens1909: Twickenham holds first rugby match1912: RMS Titanic sinks1913: Emily Davison the suffragette killed by the King's horse Anmer in the Derby1914: The First Wold War starts and lasts for four years1917: The Russian Revolution1921: Irish free state founded1926: The General Strike1929: The stock market crash in the US1930: Ghandi's Salt March in India 1932: The Bodyline test matches1933: Hitler becomes German Chancellor