WORCESTER Warriors' players can rest after avoiding relegation on the final day of the Guinness Premiership season, but the club's backroom team are preparing for a tough physical challenge of their own.

The Sixways support staff will be taking part in the gruelling 24-hour Three Peaks Challenge at the start of June to raise funds for the National Deaf Children's Society.

The team - conditioner Stuart Pickering, academy coach Lee Douglas, club analyst Mike Hall, physiotherapists Mike Lancaster and Ben McDonald and community coaches Matt Sherratt and Mike Panoho - will scale the three highest mountains in England, Scotland and Wales.

Team leader Stuart Pickering said: "This challenge gives us the chance to put ourselves through a tough physical test, while raising money for a worthwhile cause.

"We spend a great deal of our time preparing elite players for various aspects of the professional game, but we rarely get a chance to test ourselves outside the club environment as a group."

They will climb Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon.

To support them go online to www.justgiving.com/warriors3peaks