A CAMPAIGN group which battled to restore and re-open the lido of a Worcestershire town has celebrated its achievement with a special ceremony.

Members of Droitwich group SALT (Save A Lido Today) gathered for a pseudo opening ceremony. The event included cutting a yellow ribbon, a symbol adopted by the town's people to show their support for the six-year campaign.

SALT chairman Linda Wat-kins said: "As the opening of the redeveloped lido draws nearer we wanted to celebrate the conclusion of our successful long and hard-fought campaign which started in 2001. We believe there is still no official opening date, but hope it is soon."

Mrs Watkins said the group had planned its own opening ceremony of the £1.5 million lido before the official one - which is still to be announced by Wychavon District Council. However, it believes it will be open in time for the summer holidays and members wanted to thank all their supporters for their help in the campaign.

"We were worried many of us would be on holiday or away when they did it properly so we have had our own opening ceremony to thank everyone who voted to reinstate the lido in the parish poll," said Mrs Watkins.

For the last six years it has been the subject of a long- running debate.

The 68-year-old lido closed in 2001. The district council then said it was trying to get National Lottery funding to restore it.

However, in March 2004 SALT, the group dedicated to restoring the lido to its former glory, was told by the council's executive board to supply a six-month business plan for the pool, or see it demolished.

But in September 2006, after consultation with members of the public, the council - which owns the site - unveiled its own proposals for the site.

The plans included an outside salt water pool, two wet play areas with a desert island theme and a café. Townsfolk were given their say about the proposals and from the 400 responses received 70 per cent supported the plan.

The group is happy their fight is almost at an end. "Once it opens that will be the end of our goal," said Mrs Watkins.

The group will be using some of the funds it raised to buy a seat for the lido. It will donate the rest to heart and cancer charities in memory of former SALT members.