A GOOD Samaritan hurt in a savage gang beating that was captured on CCTV cameras has told of his dismay at the sentences handed out to his attackers.

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Ryan Newman and Dean Daniels were both sentenced to a 12-month community order with 100 hours unpaid work and 50 hours unpaid work respectively for an attack likened to a pack of "hyenas attacking a lame wildebeest".

At Worcester Crown Court yesterday, both defendants pleaded guilty to affray.

Speaking after the case, victim Max Edwards said: "I don't think the charges reflect the severity of the case."

We previously reported how Mr Edwards tried to intervene in a dispute between two 16-year-old youths because he was concerned for their safety when a 12-strong gang turned on him, battered him to the ground and rained blows on him as he lay helpless in High Street, Worcester, in November 2005.

Mr Edwards, of Lower Ferry Lane, Callow End, near Worcester, suffered multiple injuries including cuts, bruises and concussion. He also had his £500 suit ruined and was forced to cancel a foreign holiday.

He said: "Does affray warrant an attack of that severity? In terms of sentencing, the case is in line with what they were charged with so it's more or less expected. I don't hold anybody responsible for that. That's down to the police and the CPS wanting to get a conviction."

Mr Edwards, aged 28, said he was off work for several weeks but has since made a full recovery.

The financial adviser now works and lives in London with his wife Hannah, who is expecting their first child. "It's such a long time ago but it's good to get some closure on this, particularly for my family, who were quite traumatised by the whole event," he said. "While it's open it's still in the back of your mind, but it's nice to put it to bed."

Recorder Allan Mainds told Worcester Crown Court he was horrified by the CCTV film - a still of which was on the front page of the Worcester News - which captured Newman kick out at Mr Edwards and stamp on his arm. He said Daniels, aged 18, of Crickley Drive, Brickfields, Worcester, played a minor role, landing one punch.

He said 10 years ago everyone involved would have been sent to prison for three years.

But he said: "We see it so often on our TV screens now that it is almost an acceptable part of life in provincial England."

Newman, aged 21, of Carlisle Road, Ronkswood, Worcester, was told to pay Mr Edwards £2,000 compensation while Daniels must pay £75 compensation to each of the 16-year-olds terrified by the mob, £75 to Mr Edwards and £125 court costs.

Three other men were brought to crown court but their cases discontinued for lack of identification evidence. A number of teenagers, including two girls, were dealt with at the youth court.