AFRICAN drums were beaten inside Worcester cathedral as part of two Christian faith days with local schools.

Nearly 500 children from 15 primary schools from around the county took part in the workshop days, where pupils took part in a variety of activities.

As well as drumming, children also learnt a liturgical dance, a rap-based drama or songs to be used as part of the afternoon's Holy Communion service.

Each school also had a unique banner to represent their individual school.

The days were organised by the diocesan education team and the programme is now in its seventh year.

Children's officer Lesley Towey said: "Learning about Christian worship and about the Eucharist in particular can be quite hard when you are only eight years old.

"Even adults find it hard to understand. It's much easier if you can sing it, act it, dance it, drum it and create it."

The days were open to Year 4 pupils from Church of England primary schools around the area and were two of a series of five days being held across the Diocese of Worcester.