THERE will be plenty of festive good fun, heaps of brilliant live music and hopefully a large amount of money raised for the St John's girl who needs a life-changing operation to help her walk unaided.

Fran Sheridan will be bringing The Annual Fundraising Minifest to Pavilion in the Park, Tybridge Street, Worcester in aid of the #HelpGeorgie campaign on Sunday, December 20.

He hopes that the date just before Christmas will bring enough festive cheer and goodwill to raise as much as possible for the three-year-old Georgie Gibbs, who has spastic diplegic cerebral palsy, and needs a selective dorsal rhizotomy.

Mum and dad Clare and Carl Gibbs hope their daughter can have the pioneering operation to help her walk unaided on the NHS but they have been left in limbo ever since they were supposed to be given an answer in October.

They have forged on with their campaign to raise £60,000 as doctors in America are able to offer her the operation and the earlier she has it, the better the results.

If Georgie is allowed to have the operation on the NHS, the money will be used to pay for her non-publicly funded aftercare.

There is a huge roster of live bands, solo artists and cover acts set to perform at the Pavilion including a Michael Bublé tribute act, Come Up and See Me, solo singer Nicki Jones, lead singer of The Magoos Richard Webb, Frank Sinatra act Simply Frank and compered by Tony Gibbon.

Mr Sheridan, aged 43 and from St John's, said: "I've always been involved in a lot of work for children's charities and I'm always proud to be involved in that field.

"I had seen little Georgie at the carboot sale at The Ketch and was asked to give some money so handed over a couple of quid.

"As walked away I thought "I could do a lot more than that" and instead of giving a couple of pounds could raise lots more.

"I've got some good friends around Worcester and made some phone calls and people were saying they would do it free of charge and it kind of snowballed.

"I had great luck with The Pavilion who have given us the venue free of charge and other people and businesses have been giving cash sums too.

"I'm in awe of the way Worcester people have really got behind this great cause - it's fantastic to see.

"Everyone is getting behind it, we are going to have a great evening and people have really got behind it because of this community spirit."

From 4 to 6.30pm there will be a children's Christmas party then from 7.30pm onwards is the mini festival.

Tickets to the adult event costs £10 prepaid from The Pavilion or £15 on the night.