HEARTLESS thieves stole a large role of turf from a new children's play area which has been specially funded by parents of a charity-led school in Droitwich.

The 6x2 metre roll turf was to be the final piece completing the play area, which has been created in the grounds of St Peter's Church for pupils at St Peter's Pre School.

Now parents need to raise another £200 to buy more turf, adding to the £1,500 they have already generated through various charity activities over the past 18-months.

Droitwich police are urging anyone with information about the crime, which happened in in St Peter's Church Lane between 4pm on Friday, December 4 and 8am on Monday, December 7, to come forward.

Claire Welch, chair of the St Peter's Preschool management committee, said: "It is devastating really because our parents put so much effort in.

"It is just gutting that it has happened. It is so disappointing and it is so disheartening that after all your hard slog, someone has come in and done this."

Due to the theft, the official opening of the area, which features a sensory garden, musical instruments and a playhouse, will be postponed until the New Year.

Mrs Welch said: "It is the children that are going to have their garden delayed. We are just very annoyed and very disappointed.

"We are a charity-run, not-for-profit preschool and our parents and our children have raise money over the last couple of years so we can get the best equipment in a new garden.

"We reported it straight to the police, it is such a huge sum of money to us that it has put back the opening of the play area."

However she thanked all the parents who had helped raise money and create the play area, which when finished will be available for youngsters to play in all year round.

Mrs Welch added: "It [the play area] is beautiful. It does look very, very nice and it is just a shame that this piece has gone missing."

Michael Norris, church warden at St Peter's Church, said: "I think these days people just do not treat church property with the same degree of respect that they would have done years ago.

"We feel in one sense very sad that they are like they are and they chose to desecrate what is sacred property."

The Pre School has been established for more than 25 years and is in the church vestry, adjacent to the main church building.

Places are still available for the January term and parents can contact the school on 07980 070023 for more information.

Contact police with information about the theft by calling 101, quoting incident number 0156S 091 215.