A CHRISTMAS dream has come true for a brave five-year-old who has battled a brain tumour since 2012.

Most children's wish list includes a visit to see Father Christmas in his home in Lapland and for Billy Tyler, from St Peter's, that will become a reality on Sunday.

Heart FM asked to hear from children who deserved a magical Christmas and friend Claire Victoria Bell put forward Billy who faced a 12-hour emergency operation to remove a medulloblastoma at just two years old and an eight-month course of chemotherapy.

Mum Debbie Reynolds and dad Gary Tyler said their "brave little soldier", who has just started school, thoroughly deserved the trip.

Miss Reynolds said: "He's really excited about it but I think I'm even more excited because I know what's coming.

"He can really enjoy it because he has recovered so much.

"When he was in hospital he couldn't have gone really because of the medication and he was being fed through a tube.

"He wouldn't have been able to go at all.

"He has gone through so much so I'm absolutely looking forward to seeing him enjoying himself and playing in the snow - something we could only dream about before.

"That will be the real pleasure. All you live for as a parent is seeing your children happy. That's the best ever thing."

Mum and son will fly out to Lapland on Sunday morning to meet Father Christmas before returning home on Wednesday.

It's a trip which will mean a lot to the family as it has been a long road to recovery for Billy and one he is still on.

He had to relearn how to walk and talk and, after spending a year bedridden by the treatment, also had to catch up with his peers physically and mentally.

"Billy will never get the all clear because he is always at risk of the brain tumour returning and at a greater risk of a second cancer in another part of his body.

"He has a stutter and a stammer and the chemotherapy affected his movement and balance.

"He's doing really well now - if you looked at him you probably wouldn't know what he's been through because he has worked so hard.

"He's a little fighter and a lovely little boy and he thoroughly deserves this treat."

It will not be all fun though as Billy has a very important job to do - deliver all his friends' letters to Santa Claus.

"His best friend has given him his Christmas list to hand deliver to Father Christmas and I am sure we will be getting more before we fly off on Saturday," his mum added.

To follow Billy's recovery, long on to the Facebook page Billy Tyler - My Journey To Recovery.