A SPECTACULAR lights show illuminated a Droitwich home this week in aid of the hospital which saved a little girl's life.

The Battin family, who live on Birch Coppice, flipped the switch on an array of vibrant Christmas lights accompanied by carols from the Droitwich Community Choir, to raise £410 for the Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Earlier this year, Alison Battin's great niece Eva Berrey was rushed into surgery at just 12 days old, where doctors operated on a giant, bulging blood vessel close to her brain.

Now aged three-months-old, little Eva from Wychbold has had copper coils inserted into her skull to prevent the aneurysm bleeding again, but will have to undergo regular scans to monitor her condition.

Accompanied by her parents Beth and Matt Berrey, Eva came down to see the lights being switched on, along with crowds of festive Droitwich residents.

Mrs Battin said: "To me, it couldn't have gone any better. It was magical. We raised £410, we were over the moon with that.

"I was worried about the weather because it had been so mild and it wasn't Christmassy, but two hours before kick off the temperature dropped by about ten degrees, everyone had to wrap up warm and that made it Christmassy.

"Everybody enjoyed it, we had lots of positive comments on Facebook."

There were freshly baked mince pies, mulled wine and hot soup being served on the evening and Mrs Berrey, who is a West End singer, performed a few Christmassy numbers to entertain crowds.

The lights will be on from 4pm every evening until around 11pm until early in the New Year.

Mrs Battin, who thanked Droitwich Community Choir for coming along to sing at the switch on, will continue to raise money for the Birmingham Children's Hospital with a collection box outside her home.