"OPPORTUNIST" thieves are trying their luck on up to 200 car doors in Droitwich every night, police have warned.

Officers are urging residents to ensure their vehicles are securely locked after a sharp increase in reports of cars being entered and searched.

Police say more than 30 incidents of this kind have been reported in the past few months, with incidents occurring all over Droitwich.

It is thought there may just be one or two culprits, who can try their luck on up to 200 cars a night.

Police are hot on the trail of the culprit and have been busy patrolling Droitwich testing car doors themselves, warning residents if they find a vehicle unlocked. They have also been leafleting about the importance of ensuring cars are left secured.

And they believe they may be one step closer to catching the person responsible, as DNA evidence has been found on one car which may lead them to identifying the offender, or offenders.

PC Tony Carter, from the Droitwich police team, said: "There is an opportunist going round who is trying car doors and they can try 100 to 200 car doors a night. If the car door has been left open by owners they enter the vehicle and do an untidy search.

"We haven't had any cars broken into. No cars have had their windows smashed. All the cars that have been entered have been entered because they have been left insecure.

"Over the last couple of months there has been in excess of 30 reported incidents of cars being entered."

He stressed that property has not been stolen at every incident, but that cars are frequently being entered and searched.

"We have had a few people ringing up who have had their cars opened, searched and nothing taken but that is still recorded as a crime," he added.

"We have been trying to get the word out to the public and to Droitwich people to please lock their vehicles.

"Make sure when you park them [cars] on the drive and lock them with your key fob, please try the door handle to confirm they are locked.

"I believe the offender/offenders have been working different areas. They have done the whole of Droitwich and they do different areas at different times.

"We have been out doing different patrols on foot and on bikes and in vehicles in attempt to catch or apprehend.

"It is people leaving their vehicles insecure and it is opportunist. Obviously it is upsetting for any of the victims."

Anyone who sees anything suspicious is urged to call Droitwich police on the non-emergency number 101, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.