EVERY resident at St Paul's Hostel will be given a bit of Christmas cheer thanks to a young couple busy collecting gifts and essentials.

Siobhan Glover, aged 19 and from Battenhall, and Andy Jesson, age 24 and from St Peter's, hope to fill 46 shoeboxes with items for every resident at the hostel in Tallow Hill, Worcester.

The students said they wanted to do something to give back to the community at Christmas and said it was important everyone is made to feel appreciated and special.

Miss Glover, who is studying marketing at Bournemouth University, said: "There are so many everyday essentials which we take for granted - toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, deodorant.

"Imagine how you would feel if you didn't have access to these small things.

"By donating even the smallest items to those who don't have them, we hope to provide someone with a greater sense of self-worth."

Miss Glover and Mr Jesson, who is studying adult nursing at University of Worcester will fill each box with essential items such as sleeping bags, hats, socks, gloves, jumpers, toiletries and treats such as sweets, chocolate, perfume.

Each will be wrapped and accompanied by a card and they are also hoping to buy some sleeping bags if they raise enough funds on their JustGiving page.

They hope to have all items collected by Tuesday, December 22 as we’re dropping the boxes off at St Pauls Hostel on Christmas Eve!

Mr Jesson said: "We’ve had a few item donations from local shops and residents and have almost reached the £200 mark for JustGiving donations.

"We’re really proud of how our local community has rallied together to support this cause.

"However, we have 46 shoeboxes to fill and only a few weeks to do it.

"Please donate anything you can spare, if you have a hat you’ve never worn or a gift box you have haven’t opened since you received it last Christmas please consider donating it.

"A small donation from us can make a big difference to those receiving the gift boxes."

Anyone wishing to contact the couple to arrange item donations or donate funds to the JustGiving page can do so at crowdfunding.justgiving.com/GiftsForTheHomeless.

Follow their progress on the Facebook page Gifts For The Homeless 2015.