A PROPOSAL to build up to 34 new homes on land close to Droitwich Canal and the River Salwarpe has been rejected by council officers.

The site on Salwarpe Road is deemed "not be suitable for residential uses" in the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for the South Worcestershire Development Plan.

It is partly on this basis Wychavon District Council refused applicants Hill and Smith Holdings outline planning permission for the development which would have seen homes built on the former Pipe Support site.

When the application was originally submitted in 2013, Droitwich Town Council voiced its concern and said: "The application is premature, it is not an allocated site within the emerging South Worcestershire Development Plan and will result in the loss of industrial land.

"Also the area is liable to flooding and the Environment Agency has stated that it is unsustainable for housing.

"The Town Council wishes this site to remain as industrial land and to be considered within a wider scheme for the regeneration of Droitwich."

However, Severn Trent Water reported no objections to the plan in 2013, provided adequate drainage work was undertaken by the developer.

And in a Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Mitigation report by consultancy firm BWB it was stated: "This report demonstrates that the development of either a residential or commercial nature is at an acceptable level of flood risk, subject to the recommended flood mitigation strategies being implemented."

But in a recent report by David Hammond, Wychavon Council Housing and Planning Services Manager, it was said: "The proposals are considered to be contrary to national planning guidance which seeks to avoid inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding.

"Furthermore, it is not considered that the proposals would positively contribute to the social and environmental roles of sustainable development by virtue of siting residential development in a high flood risk zone."

He also stated the proposal was contrary to sections of the 2006 Wychavon District Local Plan because the applicant had not put "legal agreement is in place to secure the provision of any affordable units" despite it being willing to do so.

In addition he said the applicant had not entered a legal agreement to secure financial contribution for various provisions including cycling infrastructure and recycling.

Hill and Smith Holdings were contacted about the issue but refused to comment.