FIREFIGHTERS are urging people in Worcestershire to put fire safety at the top of their Christmas lists.

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service has issued guidance on how to be vigilant this festive season and ensure the celebrations are not ruined by a devastating fire.

Alan Haley, station commander, said: “Christmas is a time for festive cheer with family and friends.

"But fairy lights, candles and decorations mean it is also a time to take extra care to keep our loved-ones safe from fire.

“We’re encouraging people to think about fire safety ahead of and during the Christmas period to avoid the risk of their Christmas being ruined.

"Ensure your Christmas decorations and lights conform to British Standards, that candles are put in suitable holders and are kept away from curtains and - as we remind people all year round - never leave cooking unattended.

"Taking a little extra care and following these simple tips will ensure everyone is safe to enjoy the festivities."

The fire service has outlined the following hints and tips for a fire-free Christmas:

• Ensure you have working smoke alarms installed on all levels of your home.

• Never leave cooking unattended.

• Never leave burning candles unattended.

• Put your cigarette out, right out.

• Don’t overload sockets.

• Ensure you switch off fairy lights and unplug them before you go to bed or leave the house.

• Always use a residual current device on outdoor electrical equipment.

• Do something good this Christmas - test the smoke alarms of someone you know who may need help such as an older relative or neighbour.

• Make sure that everyone in your home knows what to do in a fire – you should get out, stay out and call 999.