POSTMAN Mark Burrows had a very special delivery for children at a Worcester school in the form of letters from Father Christmas.

The 210 letters had been written for pupils at St George's Catholic Primary School in Barbourne to tell them that because they had been so good this year, Father Christmas would be at a grotto at their school fayre today.

Mr Burrows, whose son Lewis is in year 1 at the school, said: "We thought we'd give the children a little excitement.

"It was brilliant.

"The kids were really excited. They couldn't believe it.

"Some of them were just gobsmacked."

Mr Burrows said the letters were even freezing cold as he was delivering them fresh from the North Pole.

He also reminded people to post their cards and gifts in time for the last posting days.

He said: "Last posting dates are Saturday, December 19 for second class post and Monday, December 21 for first class post."

A host of games, crafts and activities are planned for the Thornloe Walk school's fayre today.

The children and their parents will enjoy a pig roast, seasonal stalls and the chance to visit a secret room where the children can buy presents for their parents and have them wrapped up.