FATHER Christmas has begun his tour around Worcester, bringing festive fun and raising money for good causes in the process.

The sleigh tour, organised annually by Worcester Lions Club, travels around city streets usually starting at 6.15pm, 5.15pm at weekends.

Geoff Lewis, from Worcester Lions, said the tour had already been a success, with Santa Claus - who looks remarkably like Mayor of Worcester Councillor Roger Knight - accompanied on his rounds by Worcester Lions members, friends and guide and scout groups from across the city.

Groups supporting the tour receive a percentage of money collected, while remaining cash goes towards the community grants scheme supported by the Worcester News.

Geoff said last year the tour raised more than £6,000 and it is hoped this can at least be matched this year.

The tour continues today, (Thursday) and finishes on December 22. It will be visiting:

• Thursday, December 10 – St Peters (east)

• Friday, December 11 – St Peters (west)

• Saturday, December 12 – Blanquettes

• Sunday, December 13 – Lower Wick

• Monday, December 14 – Lower Wick / Cormorant Rise

• Tuesday, December 15 – Warndon Villages (Long Meadow / Great Meadow)

• Thursday, December 17 – Warndon Villages – (Harleys)

• Friday, December 18 – Warndon Villages (Harleys)

• Saturday, December 19 – Warndon Villages (Berkeleys)

• Sunday, December 20 – Holt Heath

• Monday, December 21 – Warndon Villages – (Berkeleys)

• Tuesday December 22 – Warndon Villages (Lyppards)

Santa will also be at the Sainsbury’s Blackpole store on Saturday, December 19.

Geoff added the club is always looking for new members, and should they recruit more they will be able to visit more areas of the city next Christmas.

Anyone interested can visit the club's Facebook page by searching for Worcester Lions Club, or visit worcesterlionsclub.org.uk.