THE CHAIRMAN of Droitwich Rugby Football Club has assured "not all hope is lost" after it missed out on securing a potentially substantial funding boost.

Members of Droitwich Town Council's Resources Committee resolved not to award the well-used Club any money from the New Homes Bonus pot of £69,706, despite four other organisations receiving grants.

The Rugby Club had originally applied for £37,201 of New Homes Bonus money, but on Monday night Councillor Tom Noyes said he could not find "real reasons" for it to be awarded funding.

The committee recommended £5,000 should be awarded to Fortis Living to deliver its Westlands Play Area Project, £5,000 to King George V Community Interest Company for refurbishment of the Salwarpe Pavillion, £5,000 to St Peter's Playing Fields Association for work on the Droitwich Community Pavillion and £2,000 to Droitwich and Rural Council for Voluntary Service to create a community garden.

David Warner, chairman of Droitwich Rugby Football Club, explained the Rugby Club had only learned about the available funding a "couple of weeks ago".

He said: "Not all hope is lost. It is a bit of a knock-back on this occasion. It is disappointing but hopefully we will learn from the council about what we should do to improve our chances next time and improve our facilities.

"We are one of Droitwich's most successful sports clubs," Mr Warner continued.

"We have put a lot of demand on our pitches and we were hoping to attract some funding to improve the drainage.

"We knew the council had a nearly £70,000 budget and they have only allocated £17,000 in this round. We want to work with them now to find out what we can do and hopefully make a future bid in the next round."

He added the funding would also have been used to improve floodlighting at the Club.

Speaking at the meeting on Monday evening, Cllr Noyes said: "I think the proposals are all interesting. The project costs are absolutely enormous.

"I think we would be doing Droitwich Spa a disservice if we were to divert all the New Homes Bonus money at this stage and I think it would be to the detriment of what we can do in the future.

"I'm afraid I have not been able to find real reasons for the Droitwich Rugby Club at this stage."

Cllr Richard Morris added: "We want all these to happen, no doubt, because they are all very beneficial to the people that live in our community. Tom's right, we can only grant so much."

Cllr Laurie Evans suggested a time limit should be put in place for the successful projects to review them and assess expenditure. This was was also resolved by the Resources Committee.

Commenting after the meeting Cllr Noyes explained: "I have not seen any paperwork, or I do not think there was paperwork put round for the Rugby Club, because it was a late issue.

"As you can see we have only recommended a miniscule amount out of the Homes Bonus so there is some left behind for future consideration.

"I think one of the greatest desires for just about anyone around is the High Street which is in need of an awful lot of work as soon as possible really."

The New Homes Bonus money has been allocated by Wychavon District Council to develop communities across the area. Parish and town councils have been invited to submit applications for how the money should be spent.

At a meeting on Monday, December 14 Droitwich Town Council's full council will consider the recommendations of the Resources Committee.

The applications for funding will then go to Wychavon District Council for a final decision.