DOZENS of twinkling Christmas trees have filled Worcester Cathedral in a bid to raise money for good causes.

The annual Christmas Tree Festival, run by the Daisy Chain Benevolent Fund, was launched by Worcester mayor Councillor Roger Knight at the weekend and has already enjoyed plenty of visitors.

Last year the event raised around £5,500 for the charity, which works to support sick children and young people.

Greg Rowe, trustee of the charity, said: "Christmas is such a wonderful time of year any how, and I think it will bring people of all ages from not only Worcester by across Worcestershire in together to see a wonderful sight.

"It is fantastic for the children and also to help raise fund for some vital equipment."

This year any money raised will be donated to Worcestershire Royal Hospital, in Worcester, to buy new equipment for the Children's Unit.

The charity will also donate money to the Teenage Cancer Trust to support the work it does in Worcester.

More than 80 trees have filled the cathedral this year, with colourful contributions from schools and businesses - including one creation made from a cake stand which stands at a whopping six feet tall.

Mr Rowe added: "I'm just amazed by the creativity and the variety of Christmas trees. From the local schools, for which children have made their own decorations, to local business that have just been so creative.

"There is just such a variety and it is such a beautiful location."

He encouraged everyone to come along, see the trees and take part in a variety of children's activities also on offer.

Canon Georgina Byrne, at Worcester Cathedral, said: "In the darkest point of the year our cloisters are lit up with joy.

"The trees make so many people smile and they give us, as a cathedral, the opportunity to salute and showcase the businesses and charities of our local community."

The festival will run until Monday, January 4 at Worcester Cathedral.

For more information about the Daisy Chain Benevolent Fund visit