A GROUP of dedicated Eco Action Team students from Nunnery Wood High School have helped plan and deliver a conference on young people for change.

They were among students from six Midlands schools who organised the conference for 180 students.

The event was opened by the Blue Peter presenter Radzi, who delivered an inspirational talk on poverty and potential.

The Nunnery Wood High School students began the project with a two day Young Leadership Development course with the University of the First Age.

Their new found skills helped them develop an interactive workshop for the conference on sustainability in schools.

The students' session focused on how schools around the world are contributing to action for sustainability.

They were able to reference a new recycling scheme from their eco-partner school in Germany (Friedrich Schiller Gymnasium), a link with the Bon Sauveur school in France, who have developed a wild flower field and bird boxes, and a case study from Ballina High in Australia, who have converted a plot of unused land into a beautiful native garden.

The students were also able to sare activities from their existing British Council Connecting Classrooms link with the LIV school in Durban, South Africa, teaching conference delegates how to play a Durban playground games of marbles.

Elena Lengthorn, associate assistant headteacher, said: "Since the UFA leadership development programme these students have grown hugely in confidence, happily delivering presentations to the rest of the Eco Action Team and taking a more pro-active role in the life of the school.”

Amy Johnston, from year 8, was at the conference at Wolverhampton Science Park.

She said: “I have a better understanding of how other people around the world live and how we can make a difference."