Though there's much to enjoy on this walk, one undoubted highlight is Foster's Green National Nature Reserve. Access is restricted but there is a public footpath across part of it at Eades Meadow. Go now, to see a spectacular display of green-winged orchids.

FACTFILE Start: Avoncroft Museum and Picnic Site, off A38 Redditch Road at Stoke Heath, near Bromsgrove, grid ref SO953683.

Length: 10 miles/16km.

Maps: OS Explorer 204, OS Landrangers 139/150.

Terrain: Cattle pasture, meadows and woodland, with some arable; a few gentle slopes. Dogs on leads, please, at Westcroft Farm and Eades Meadow.

Footpaths: Mostly excellent, with some exceptions. A cornfield path at Foster's Green is much too narrow. Another path at Foster's Green is completely without any signage or waymarking and is apparently unused. Waymarking elsewhere is poor in places. (NB the unmarked path is shown on OS maps but I have been unable to check the county council's Definitive Map - if in doubt, stay on the lane instead, then turn left on a track).

Stiles: 20.

Parking: At the picnic site.

Buses: Take the 144 (daily) to Stoke Heath and walk along Redditch Road, looking for the easily missed pedestrian access to Avoncroft, 550m after a crossroad; or turn right at the crossroad to join the route at the Stoke Prior bridleway (see point one); check out buses 140/141 for further options; or Traveline 0870 608 2608.

Refreshments: Café at Avoncroft Museum, epic brasserie/restaurant at Stoke Heath, Navigation Inn and Priory Café at Stoke Wharf, The Gate Hangs Well at Woodgate, Queen's Head at Stoke Pound.

DIRECTIONS: 1 Leave the picnic site, turn right down Buntsford Hill then right again at Westcroft Farm. Follow a waymarked path through the farm then go diagonally left to join a fenced path which skirts Avoncroft Meadow. Turn left at a junction to meet the B4091. Turn left, then left again on a bridleway. Follow it to Fish House Lane, turn right and then right again through Stoke Prior churchyard. Turn left on the B4091 to the Worcester and Birmingham Canal at Stoke Wharf.

2 Go through a gate to Stoke Bottom Lock and the Leslie Harris Picnic Site. Join a path which passes a scattering of picnic tables and then continues through woodland, waymarked by white permissive path' arrows. Eventually, after passing a grey warehouse, you'll reach a junction with a right of way (yellow arrow). Turn right, then soon left, up steps into woodland. Turn right along the woodland edge then keep straight on at a junction, to the B4091.

3 Turn right then cross over to take a path which is waymarked and easily followed to a lane. Turn left then cross to another path. Go along the right-hand edge of a meadow then diagonally across another field to the corner. Proceed to Astwood Lane and turn left. Turn right at Sharpway Gate and continue along a footpath into Piper's Hill Wood at the lane end. Turn left at two junctions, then pass through a car park, walking to the far side of the wood. Cross the B4091, follow a path to a massive chestnut tree and then turn right to a lane.

4 Turn left, following the lane downhill until you see a bridleway on the right. Follow it for 600m then take another bridleway on the left, climbing Forest Hill. Go through the left-hand gate at the top and straight on to a junction. Turn right along an avenue of oak trees. Approaching Forest Farm, take a path on the left which runs along the edge of a paddock then bears left through woodland to a field. Go roughly straight across. As you approach the far side you should be about mid-way between two pylons. Go through a gate and straight on along a track to reach Foster's Green Farm.

5 Pass to the left of the farmhouse and barn to enter a meadow. Keep to the left edge then go diagonally right across another meadow to Eades Meadow. A waymark points diagonally left but to go this way would mean trampling the orchids. Fortunately, there is a trodden path which runs straight ahead to a pair of apple trees and then turns left to the far side of the meadow.

6 Turn left along a lane for 500m then take an unsigned path on the left at an overgrown gate. Cross a meadow to the far side, climb over a gate and cross another meadow to the left-hand gate, returning past Foster's Green Farmhouse to the track. Cross the track and walk through four fields, until you see a waymarked gate on your right. Go through the gate and then diagonally left across a cattle pasture to another waymarked gate. Don't go through, but turn left along the edge of the pasture and through a gate in the corner. Keep straight on until a stile gives access to the woodland on your right. Turn first left through the wood then enter a field. Head towards the Wychbold masts, descending to a lane.

7 Join a path opposite, along the edge of an orchard then diagonally across a field to Woodgate Road. Turn left and walk to a junction with Moorgate Road. Take a path opposite, which leads to the far side of a field. Bear left through a second field, towards the Harris factory, looking out for a gate on the right, into Harris's woods. Proceed to the junction by the warehouse, to rejoin the permissive path used earlier. It's circular, so turn either left or right to return to Stoke Bottom Lock. Turn right on the canal towpath. Leave it at bridge 47 and go up to the road. Cross the bridge and join a footpath opposite (not the towpath). Enter a field and follow the waymarked path to Fish House Lane. Turn right, then left to Avoncroft.

PLEASE NOTE This walk has been carefully checked and the directions are believed to be accurate at the time of publication. No responsibility is accepted by either the author or publisher for errors or omissions, or for any loss, accident or injury, however caused.