A headteacher has turned author to ghost write a book for his boyhood footballing hero.

Clive Corbett, head at Pershore High School, has helped write The Valley Wanderer about footballer Mike Bailey.

It is the fourth book written by Mr Corbett, who researches them in his spare time.

He had already written two footballing books about Wolverhampton Wanderers, the team he supports, and a book about his father's notes and letters called Crumpled Bits of Paper.

Mr Corbett said: "For me it's been a great privilege to write a book for one of my heroes.

"It was just my favourite time in the club and he was a great champion at the time.

"We've sold 300 already including to the club shop."

Mr Corbett said he had spent two years researching and writing the book and had met with Mr Bailey and his wife Barbara on a number of occasions.