A MILESTONE moment in the lives of one Droitwich couple was captured on camera by an unsuspecting photographer in Lido Park.

Mum-of-one Louise Jackson said she was "shocked" when her then-boyfriend Chris Price got down on one knee during a family photoshoot at the picturesque bandstand.

But she was not the only one taken by surprise, as photographer Elle Cahill - who captured the special moment on camera - also didn't suspect a thing.

Mr Price, who lives with Miss Jackson and their nine-month-old daughter Beatrice in Primsland, said: "I have had the ring for a couple of weeks now and I wanted to propose at some point.

"There had been a few events like our daughter's christening, and we had been to a wedding, but it was just choosing the right moment.

"We were having the photos taken and I thought I would take the ring with me just in case I wanted to."

After the young family had pictures taken together, Miss Jackson's mum came to take Beatrice home and the pair continued to pose for a series of couple's photos.

But it wasn't until they were pictured on the band stand Mr Price knew the special moment had arrived.

"I just thought it was the right moment and if I didn't do it I would regret it," said the 27-year-old.

"If I hadn't of done it and done it at another point, it would have been just as special but to have it on photo is a lot more special because we can share it with other people.

"Louise means everything to me. It feels like we are best friends, we get on really well - most of the time! We both plan on spending the rest of our lives together."

Miss Jackson first met her fiancée when she was working at The Castle pub in Droitwich, and a year and a half later they are happily engaged.

Speaking about the proposal, the 24-year-old said: "It was brilliant. If you see the pictures you can see how natural and friendly they look, even though we had only met her that morning. It was like having one of our best friends there taking pictures.

"I was really surprised and just really, really happy."

Mrs Cahill, who has worked as a professional photographer in and around Droitwich for six months, said: "It is something that will stay with me forever.

"I just thought, this is incredibly romantic and really very brave of him as well.

"I'm a lifestyle photographer, I love to capture beautiful and natural moments in time, and I felt honoured to have been there to capture this once in a lifetime moment."

The couple said would like to invite Mrs Cahill, who runs Elle Cahill Photography, to take their wedding photos at the ceremony which is planned for 18-months' time.