HOPES that an historic Droitwich tea room will re-open in time for Christmas have been dashed thanks to delayed BT cabling work, according to a businessman.

Builder Steve Weaver, who co-owns of Bullock's Tea Rooms with Andrew Probyn, claims he has waited 12-weeks for BT to install phone lines and broadband to the property in High Street.

But due to the delay in work, he has be forced to push back the anticipated December opening until the New Year, meaning members of staff will miss out on work just before Christmas.

"It is just terrible," said Mr Weaver, who has worked for months to give the old building a £300,000 new lease of life.

He continued: "BT have spoiled the whole experience and they have put people out of work over Christmas. There is just no-one personal to speak to.

"We would have been ready for opening but BT have let us down again. I'm giving up now, I'm fed up of phoning call centres.

"We have employed about 12 people, some part time and some full time and we have had to call them all up and say the work's not available now until we open.

"It doesn't matter how many times you phone them, how many times you tell them it is a business line and it is keeping people out of work - it doesn't really matter to BT.

"Now I have given up - there is no point, you can't fight them."

Now he has been told cabling work will start this week - but at the time of going to press, engineers had not yet arrived.

Without broadband, Bullock's card machines cannot be used and Mr Weaver says he can't properly promote the business or put up its hanging sign outside without a telephone number.

A spokesperson for BT said: "BT apologies for the unforeseen delays in connecting this customer.

"Extensive engineering work needs to be carried out in order to provide the new services at these premises.

"Every effort is being made to complete the necessary work as soon as possible."

The Grade II-listed landmark has most recently been home to Wychavon District Council's Community Contact Centre, but before that was a well-loved and popular tea room for many decades.

As part of the 18-month refurbishment works four flats have been built above the old section of the building, while the traditional-style tea rooms, 40-seat restaurant and new coffee lounge based in the former bakers will help restore Bullock's to its original glory.